Events and Activities
We coordinate speaking engagements and host film screenings, forums, and conferences focused on the on-going impacts of war. We also participate in international conferences and speak at universities throughout the world.

Reconciliation and Reckoning in Vietnam
On March 30, 2023, the U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a conversation with George Black and several of the leading figures profiled in his new book. The discussion explored their intersecting efforts to orchestrate political reconciliation and personal redemption, demonstrating how former enemies can transform into friends and partners.
War Legacies Project works with other non-governmental organizations, veterans, the media, researchers, students and specialists to raise awareness about the on-going impacts of war in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and the U.S., with veterans, and put to rest the ghosts of war.
Leahy Public Policy Forum: The US War in Vietnam-Looking Back After 50 Years
University of Vermont
October 17, 2024
Susan Hammond of the War Legacies Project joins three other speakers for "The Things We Left Behind: Dealing with the Legacies of the War," a panel moderated by Tim Rieser at the University of Vermont.
Agent Orange: An Unfinished War Legacy
Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee
November 13, 2024
Susan Hammond and Jacqui Chagnon of the War Legacies Project joins George Black and other speakers for online webinar presented by the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee
The Feed: War Legacies Project
Susan Hammond
February 3, 2021
Susan Hammond from War Legacies Project joins us to discuss her work in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
Vietnam Legacies Symposium Panel 5: Reparation and Healing
University of Dayton
Susan Hammond, October 23, 2020
This panel focuses on the post-conflict work of veterans and children of veterans, and considers how veterans’ advocacy for reparation and healing contributes to forging peace. Participants include: Ben Schrader, author of Fight to Live, Live to Fight and University of Dayton affiliate; Garett Reppenhagen, Executive Director of Veterans for Peace; Heather Bowser, President of the Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance (COVVHA); and Susan Hammond of the War Legacies Project.
Legacy of Vietnam War Agent Orange
Susan Hammond, November, 15, 2019
A panel of activists and Agent Orange victims discussed and showed images of the effects and continuing health problems associated with the toxic chemical defoliant used during the Vietnam War.
KMOS Vietnam Panel Discussion #3 Columbia, MO
Jacqui Chagnon, August 24, 2017
This panel discussion took place at Bixby Hall in the Brouder Science Center on the Campus of Columbia College in Columbia, MO.
KMOS Vietnam Panel Discussion #1 Warrensburg, MO
Jacqui Chagnon, June 30, 2017
After a preview screening of Ken Burns "The Vietnam War" this panel discussion was held on the impact of the war in Vietnam.
The People Vs. Agent Orange: A Conversation With the Film Directors and Activist Organizations
Susan Hammond, January 16, 2021
Co-Directors Alan Adelson and Kate Taverna join a conversation with our film protagonist Carol Van Strum, author of "A Bitter Fog"; Susan Hammond, Executive Director of War Legacies Project (WLP), Leah Bolger, Corvallis resident and President of World Beyond War, Debra Fant of Lincoln County Community Rights (LCCR), writer and long-time resident of Corvallis, Alison Clement and moderated by Andrew Collins-Anderson of The Coast Range Association.
25 Years into Normalization: The U.S.-Vietnam Relationship and War Legacies
Susan Hammond, July 15, 2020
2020 marks the 25th Anniversary of the normalization of relations between the United States and Vietnam. Vietnam is a American key partner in the Indo-Pacific region, and the United States and Vietnam have made great strides in building a forward-looking and mutually beneficial partnership.
PANEL 3 - Evolution of the Anti-War Movement After 1967 & Post-War Legacies
50th Anniversary of March on Pentagon Protest
Susan Hammond, October 21, 2017
A presentation for the "From Protest to Resistance Conference," organized by the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee.
KMOS Vietnam Panel Discussion #2 Jefferson City, MO
Jacqui Chagnon, August 23, 2017
This panel discussion took place at the Pawley Theatre on the Campus of Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri.
Impact of Agent Orange
Susan Hammond and Jacqui Chagnon, August 30, 2016
Susan Hammond and Jacquelyn Chagnon talked about the continuing impact of the U.S. military’s widespread use of Agent Orange as a defoliant during the Vietnam War.